, A web based program existing in today’s internet which ranks website due to their traffic volumes, as well as several other factors.

For internet marketing, how to use Alexa properly?

This post will expose you one of the important truths existing behind the Alexa.

Only activities of the people who have installed Alexa toolbar on their internet browsers would be tracked by Alexa.

So, the question is,

Who’re using the Alexa toolbar?

It doesn’t need for ordinary internet users.

So, most majorities of them are the people who are using the internet for marketing purposes. Simply says, people like us, internet marketers.

The point gives you another tip as well…….

Assume a website in “gardening” niche with good Alexa rank.

Means, you still can promote internet marketing related products and services on the specific site.

What's the benefit?

When it consider along people with IM niche,

Sometimes, You'll get their vast attention than promoting the same advertisement on IM niche related site because it’s a noticeable weird action.

Promoting “How to make money online” type product on a “gardening” site?????

The ultimate point is "Optimization".

Posted in Labels: , Posted by Mark at 1:49 AM  


  1. H.Singh Says:

    A point I haven't noticed before. Worth to try, thanks for sharing.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Since the rise of sites like fiverr, nothing of the sort to believe Alexa.

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